What is Arduino, how arduino work and everything you need to know about Arduino- Arduino for beginners


What is The Arduino

today I'm talking about what is the Arduino in simply for beginners

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy hardware and software. Arduino designs and manufactures a simple circuit board with a microcontroller. The microcontroller is an IC. it made by Atmel Company
Therefore, it is very easy to create electronic circuits (Digital devices) and related equipment that are not easy to do. You can use it easily, even if you know very little about electronics. Only a small program code is required to control this board.
Therefore, this is a very popular platform. Since it is open-source, anyone can easily change or improve things.

The microcontroller is mounted on a board for ease of use. For a microcontroller to work, we need to tell it what to do. A microcontroller does not understand the speaking language or writing language.
If you've studied ICT, you know that it only understands 1 and 0.Arduino uses software to write and insert code to make this microcontroller understandable. The Arduino IDE software is used for this purpose.
Using this software, writing code and putting it into the IC. Then, IC works in the same way as the previous code. This software is an open-source software developed by the Arduino company itself. Click on the link below to download it.

Different types of Arduino boards are made to suit different work. Choosing a matching board will make your work easier and save money.
Therefore, it is important that you know the types of Arduino boards and how they work.

Types of Arduino Boards

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. Arduino Leonardo
  3. Arduino 101
  4. Arduino Esplora
  5. Arduino Micro
  6. Arduino Nano
  7. Arduino Adapter

  8. Arduino Mega 2560
  9. Arduino Zero
  10. Arduino Due
  11. Arduino M0 Pro
  12. Arduino MKR Zero
  13. Arduino Motor Shield
  14. Arduino USB Host Shield

  15. Proto Shield
  16. MKR Proto Shield
  17. Arduino Mega Proto Shield

  18. Arduino 4- Relays Shield
  19. MKR Relay Proto Shield
  20. MKR Can Shield
  21. MKR 485 Shield
  22. MKR MEM Shield
  23. MKR Connector Carrier

  24. Arduino ISP
  25. Arduino USB2-Serial Micro

  26. Arduino Yun
  27. Arduino Ethernet
  28. Arduino Industrial 101
  29. MKR FOX 1200
  30. MKR WAN 1300
  31. MKR GSM 1400
  32. MKR Wifi 1010
  33. MKR Vidor 4000
  34. MKR NB 1500
  35. Arduino MKR1000

  36. Uno Wifi REV2
  37. Arduino Yun Shield
  38. Arduino Wireless SD shield
  39. Arduino Wireless Proto Shield
  40. MKR ETH Shield
  41. MKR IoT Bundle

  42. Lilypad Arduino Simple
  43. Lilypad Arduino Main Board
  44. Lilypad Arduino USB
  45. Lilypad Arduino Simple Snap

  46. Arduino Gemma
  47. Arduino Yun Mini
  48. Arduino Ethernet Shield V2
  49. Arduino GSM Shield V2
  50. Arduino Leonardo ETH
  51. Arduino Tian
  52. Arduino USB2Serial Converter
  53. Arduino M0
  54. Arduino Mega ADK
  55. Arduino Mini
  56. Arduino Robot
  57. Arduino Pro
  58. Arduino FIO
  59. Arduino Pro Mini
  60. Arduino GSM Shield V1
  61. Arduino Ethernet Shield V1
  62. Arduino Wifi Shield
  63. Arduino Wifi 101 Shield

If you are a beginner to Arduino, it is best to buy one of these boards and focus on learning Arduino.

  • Arduino Uno
  • Arduino Leonardo
  • Arduino Micro
  • Arduino Nano

I recommend the Arduino Uno board

to buy this board, follow this link-  https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=arduino+uno&_sacat=0&LH_FS=1&_sop=15&rt=nc&LH_ItemCondition=3

About Arduino Uno board (details)
Arduino Uno board-ATmega328p original board parts

  • ATmega328p microchip- the brain of this board. The writing code is stored and executed. it has a   32KB flash memory. this memory can store a big code. 
  • Reset button- when this is pressed, it starts all over again.
  • 5v regulator- main supply voltage convert to 5v 
  • Power in- the board can be operated by providing 12V and 7V power to this port
  • tx/rx led- it indicates tx and rx communications
  • power led- after giving power to the board, it indicates
  • PWM- pulse width modulation

if you want this picture as PDF..?

Learn to Use

Install the software I mentioned earlier to your computer. To program an Arduino board, you must have a computer. It is possible to program an Arduino board using the latest OTG (USB On The Go) mobile phone.
But do this only if you don't have a computer. Leave a comment below to find out how to do it.

Connect your Arduino board to your computer. The connecting wire comes with the Arduino board. Then open the Arduino IDE. Then you can see the software with a new window as shown in the image below.
Arduino software 1st start fresh window

You just connected the Arduino board to your computer. If properly connected, it is easily identified by the Arduino IDE. To check if it has been detected, do so in the image below.
tools>>port>>selected bord
If the board you are connected to does not show there, it is not recognized by the software.
Check the drivers for the computer.
I have attached an Arduino Uno board. So identified as COM12 (Arduino/genuino Uno). Now you can write the codes and upload them to the board.

how select board in arduino ide
This post provides basic knowledge about Arduino (What is the Arduino)
We'll talk in the next post about writing code and uploading it to the board. (blink led)
if you have any questions...? leave a comment below...

Arduino official website-https://www.arduino.cc

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