10 Simple Tips for Increasing Traffic on Your Blog and Website

The problem for most people is how to get your site or blog to be advertised among a large number of subscribers. It's not easy.
If you read this post often, you have your own website or blog.
So try these 10 methods that I am talking about today. You will definitely get better results.

1. Allow your ideas.
Any person born in this world has many different abilities. But fewer people use them properly.

If your talent or passion is traveling, don't do it because of technology. You don't do what people like or do because everyone else does. Start with what you like and you will love doing it for yourself. Make your blog about what you like. Otherwise, you will.

2. Add a name to the blog that best matches what you're talking about.
Make it easy for the user to find your blog. Put a creative name in it and add it to your domain name.

3. Make the web site pleasing to others.
Make a website look and feel like it looks. Realize that seeing food makes you want to eat it because it is beautiful or clean. Likewise, it can be added to your blog.
Apply a simple template. Minimize dark colors and make your eye color.

4. Develop writing skills.
It is very important if you can write good articles. You can get a good number of users.
If you are looking to get Adsense, do not use anything you have quoted elsewhere. If you can't write articles, use someone else for money.
Don't forget to use photos in addition to writing posts. Use the keywords that most people are looking for in the main topic.

5. Add Social Sharing Buttons
Add social sharing buttons to every post on your blog. Facebook is very important. Start a FB page for the blog.
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
social medias

6. Advertise your blog.
Use Social Media for this. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest. Then you can maintain good traffic.

7. Release the end ..!
Pin your old posts to the top of your blog. Or share on social media. Some people may take something important from those posts.

8. Add videos to your blog.
Adding videos to your blog makes more sense. Some things are easier to understand in a video than words. The reason why YouTube has so many users is because of its videos.
The brain can more easily remember pictorial things than what is read and heard.

9.Links whenever possible in your blog.
I mean, if you are talking about a product, use Links that the reader can easily find or buy. So users will admire your blog.

10.Update Blog
Be sure to update the posts on the blog frequently. If you skip it, your existing users will also go away, and Google is often preferred to fresh websites.
So if you want to get more attention from search engines, update your blog at least twice a week.

You will get the most benefit from doing these 10 tips correctly.
See you again in a post like this. Thanks for reading this.
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  1. Good article for me, because nowadays I'm struggling with generate traffic to my blog,
    Thank you, keep writing brother
    Joan Snow

  2. These are good tips. Getting traffic to my blog is a huge struggle for me but with patience my traffic has improved.

  3. There's many ways to increase the traffic to your blog and thanks to your comprehensive guide, bloggers especially beginners will fully understand how. My fave one is the social media buttons, it really helps you to get enough reach everyday.

  4. What a great list of tips and tricks.


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