About Environmental effects of Industrialization and Global environmental issues

The Man of the past had a very Friendly Relationship with the Environment. They didn't take what they wanted from the Environment. They only removed what was environmentally resistant. It did not pose any problem to the environment or to them. In time, however, man became an Intelligent creature. He did not seek the pleasure of the environment, but rather sought after it. This began to cause problems between Nature and Man.

The Industrial Revolution and the Environment.

An article on the Industrial Revolution and the World Wars has been written before. It gives you some idea of ​​the evolution of technology. Get out of here.
It was with the Industrial Revolution that many of the needs and wants of man began to be felt. This led people to innovate. This resulted in many important new creations. We talked about a few of them in the previous article. However, many of these creations are not good for the environment. It is undoubtedly the result of the Industrial Revolution and the destruction of the environment.
Increased use of timber, increased population, and urbanization caused more trees to be cut. Increased use of fossil fuel engines. As a result, global warming began to increase. This has caused many environmental changes to this day.
Global warming causes the melting of the Earth's poles, resulting in smaller islands. Is underway.

Global Environmental Issues.

Global environmental problems are mainly caused by the effects of human activities on the atmosphere. Because the atmosphere is evenly distributed across the earth, the atmosphere has little effect on other ecosystems. All the countries of the earth and people, animals and plants are adversely affected.
The atmosphere acts as a filter for the sun's harmful rays. This also affects the sun's harmful rays reaching Earth.

  • Global warming.
  • Thinning of the ozone layer.
  • To cause acid rain.
  • Article Chemical Humor.

Let us talk about these separately.

Before you know about the Warming of the Atmosphere, you need to know about the Composition of the Atmosphere.

Global warming.

Global Warming is the Temperature rise above the natural temperature in the Environment. This may be due to the increase in the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Before you know what greenhouse gases are, you need to know about the greenhouse effect.
Because of the lack of environmental temperatures to grow crops in cold countries, glass is grown in a small house. This is called the greenhouse. Because it is made of glass, the sun's shortwave UV radiation is easily absorbed into it. They cannot pass through the glass, absorbing the rays and emitting longwave radiation. This increases the temperature in the greenhouse and makes it suitable for crops.
The same process takes place on Earth. The sun's shortwave radiation is absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (longwave radiation). This causes the earth's temperature to rise.
Greenhouse gases are...

  • Water vapor
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Ozone (O3)
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
  • etc.

earth's atmosphere have many types of gases. watch on chart

Main Gases Value
Carbon dioxideCO20.04%
Other Gases
Nitrus oxideN2O
Carbon monoxideCO
Solid particles and Dust

Also, artificially produced gases such as CFC, HFC, HCFC, SF6, NF3 are powerful greenhouse gases. Although the composition of the atmosphere is small, it can cause more damage due to its rays' absorption power. The unit of measurement of this resilience is the GHF value. These are called greenhouse gases because they have a special ability to absorb and retain shortwave radiation.
greenhouse effect is very impotant to stablize earth's temperature

The greenhouse effect is a natural process. It sustains the life-sustaining heat of the Planet. But human activity has increased the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Increasing the number of greenhouse gases increases the absorption rays and increases the temperature. Because of this increase in temperature, man is facing a lot of problems.
To minimize the greenhouse effect, we must minimize the release of greenhouse gases into the environment. Gases such as CFCs can prevent the addition of CFCs to the atmosphere by reducing the leakage of old air-conditioning and refrigeration and switching to other alternative gases.
Reducing tree felling and reforestation can greatly reduce the use of fossil fuels and reduce CO2 accumulation in the environment.
Methane is produced by marshy land and organic matter anaerobically. Cleaning up unnecessary dumping of trash can prevent CH4 from entering the atmosphere.

Since man is the cause of global warming, mankind must find solutions. We'll see more about that in another article. Comment your thoughts on the greenhouse effect.

more info-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution


  1. We really should be concerned with how we treat the earth. This is some great information to help us all be better at taking care of the environment.

  2. This is some great info that I feel more people should read..and realize what exactly is happening in the world, and why. Continue getting the word out, hopefully more people will take notice and do more. Hopefully it's not too late.

  3. We need to treat the Earth so much better! It's so good to us and we treat it so poorly.


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