What is a solar eclipse and when is the next solar eclipse in 2019

The solar eclipse is very rare. Moon comes in between Sun and Earth. From the Earth, the Moon is covered with the Sun, so darkness over the entire time period. It is defined as "Solar Eclipse" because Moon covers the Sun.
Because the Earth is larger than the Moon, you can see the Moon eclipse more often. But because the Moon is smaller than Earth, you can see a solar eclipse in a very small area of ​​the Solar eclipse. Not often seen. Some Solar eclipse, Total Solar eclipse is even rarer. This month, on December 26, 2019, we see a solar eclipse. It's an Annular Solar eclipse. But this is only visible to a few very limited countries. I get the chance to see that solar eclipse too.

There are several types of the solar eclipse.

  • Total Solar eclipse
  • Annular Solar eclipse
  • Partial Solar eclipse

The solar eclipse has several causes. The Sun is roughly 400 times larger than the Moon. The distance between the Moon and the Earth is about 400 times. This means that on Earth we can see the Moon and the Sun the same size.
Moon is not a round orb. As a result, the distance between Earth and the Moon is constantly changing. The closest distance between the Moon and Earth is Apogee (405,500Km). The lowest distance between the Moon and Earth is Perigee (363,300Km).
this image view What are The Apogee and Perigee.

When a solar eclipse occurs in a perigee, it is a total solar eclipse. In total, the Moon will be completely covered by the Sun. In this, we can see the sun's corona. Corona is the outer part of the Sun's atmosphere. The area where the eclipse takes place is dark at night.

If an apogee is in a lunar eclipse, then it is an annular eclipse. In an annular, there is a column around the sun. Like a ring. The area where the solar eclipse takes place is usually dark.

When a solar eclipse occurs, the earth, the sun, and the moon are on the same straight line, and the shadow of the moon does not exactly form on Earth.
Therefore, the sun does not completely cover the moon. It is a partial solar eclipse. In partial, the sun is only partially covered. A little darkness is coming to the eclipse.
we can see Solar eclips in 3 types. they are Total,Annular and Partial

DEC 26 Solar eclipse is an annular solar eclipse. That means there's a little column left around the sun. This Solar eclipse appears between 09.00 AM and 11.30 AM. The time intervals are changing so you can go to this link to see how this looks.

If you know anything about it, leave a comment below ...

The next Solar eclipse is 2024/04/08

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