What is a Resistor and How to Read a Color Code and How to Use Resistors ?

What are a Resistor and Resistance?

When a conductor conducts electricity, it will resist. Resistance is the blockage of the conduction of electricity in a conductor. The device or device we use to create the Resistance is called the "Resistor". Check out the photos below. Then you will easily understand what the resistor is. Resistance unit. Resistance is measured in "Ohm". This unit was named Ohm to honor Georg Simon Ohm. Georg Simon Ohm was a German physicist and mathematician.
Ohm Law is the most important thing that George Simon put forward. Using Ohm Law, we can find the resistance of a circuit.

Ohm Law

"Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points"

Resistor types (symbols)

resistors symbols

What is Color Code and how to use it

For ease of entering a Resistor, ColorCode is used. If you have any hope of using a resistor, you should definitely read the Color Code. Because a resistor is so small, it is difficult to write a value. If one digit changes, the value changes completely. So instead of writing down the numbers on the resistor, you will notice a few colored stripes on it. These colors contain the value of the resistor. It is called "reading color codes". Let's see how to read color codes.
Color rings have values ​​for colors. The table where those values ​​are recorded is called the "color code table". Below is a table. It consists of 10 main colors.

Units of measuring resistance

Resistance is measured in Ohm.
1000 ohm = 1 Kiloohm.
1000Kiloohm = 1 Megaohm.

you can check resistors value using this table
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I'll take some resistors, for example.


The colors of this resistor are - Brown, Black, Orange, Gold.
There are 3 main colors and 1 relief color. Using the three main colors, we calculate the resistance of the resistor and the probability of the resistance of the final color being changed.
how calculate 10000 ohm resistor value


Gold- + -5%

Calculate values
= 10 x 103
= 10 x 1000
= 10,000 Ohm

 100 >>5
= 500
* The value of this resistor can vary between 9500 Ω and 10500 Ω


Gold- + -5%

Calculate values
= 46 x 102
= 46 x 100
= 4,600 Ohm

 100>> 5
= 230
* The value of this resistor can vary between 4370 Ω and 4830 Ω


calculate 100 ohm resistor value using color code

Gold- + -5%

Calculate values
= 10 x 101
= 10 x 10
= 100 Ohm

 100>> 5
95 - 105
* The value of this resistor can vary between 95 Ω and 105 Ω

Resistance can also be measured using a multimeter. It requires a multimeter.
this resistor is 100 ohm resistor. multimeter show 98 ohms.

This image measures a 100 Ohm Resistor. To measure resistance, the multimeter must be placed in the resistance range. This multimeter is used in the 2000 range so it can measure resistance up to 2000 Ohm. Many people find it difficult to find a multimeter, so there is another option.

You can find the resistance value you want to know even with Google Search.
you can use google to check your answer before you calculated using color code table

Find the value of a resistor with a circuit using Ohm Law. V = IR is used for this purpose.

V = volt
I = Ampiyer
R = Resistance

If you have 2 of these data you can search the other one.
we can calculate resistance using V=IR to simple sircuits
to online resistor color code checker - http://www.resistor-calculator.com/

 If you have any questions please leave a comment below.
Thank you for reading this.

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