What is The Ozone layer Depletion and its Effects ?

The Sun supplies all the Energy needed for Life on Earth. Solar Energy not only protects life on Earth because it has the energy it needs, but it also contains Radiation that can completely destroy life.
But it is the Ozone Layer that prevents all the Harmful Radiation from life on Earth's surface. That's why the ozone layer is vital for life.
The ozone layer is said to be more ozone-free than other areas of the atmosphere. It is spread over all the earth as a layer.

Ozone gas is formed by the addition of three oxygen atoms. Remember that oxygen is made up of two atoms of oxygen. The ozone gas is very unstable even though these 3 oxygen atoms are combined.
This makes ozone gas very reactive. To make ozone gas requires very strong conditions.
The high voltage caused by lightning produces ozone gas. Ozone is an unpleasant odor.
And it is unhealthy to breathe. But ozone is used in many industrial projects. Mainly sterilization of water using ozone.

The ozone layer is located between 20KM to 35KM.
But this is a very thin layer compared to the size of the planet. Ozone contains more ozone than other layers of the atmosphere, but don't be mistaken for the presence of ozone.

Performance of the ozone layer.

The thickness of the ozone layer varies from region to region and season to season. Also, ozone depletion is frequent in the ozone layer. But since the ozone layer produces and collapses, the ozone level is always constant.

The reactions in the ozone layer due to sunlight are as follows.
O2UV  >>  2O

Molecular oxygen breaks down into atomic oxygen when the energy from the sun collides with ultraviolet light.
O >>  O3

Atomic oxygen is so reactive that it combines with another oxygen molecule to form ozone.
Ozone naturally breaks down due to other ultraviolet rays.
2O3  >>  3O2

The absorption of UV rays to break down oxygen and ozone gas prevents UV rays from entering the Earth. This is a completely natural process. This is a balancing act due to the rapid regeneration of the breakdown.
3O << >>  2O3

Ozone layer degradation.

But what if the above-mentioned equilibrium process accelerates the rate of ozone depletion?
The above natural process does not happen today. The gradual decrease in the amount of ozone in the ozone layer is called the ozone layer degradation. When the ozone layer shrinks, the earth is exposed to harmful UV rays.
Thus exposure is detrimental to organisms. The main cause of ozone depletion is human activity.
Chlorine-free radicals do more damage to the ozone layer. They are made from some chemical compounds that contain chlorine. In the upper atmosphere, these decompose and damage.

Major chemical compounds that make chlorine-free radicals.
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
  • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
  • Hydrobromoflurocarbons (HBFCs)
  • Halons
  • Methyl Bromide
  • Carbon Tetrachloride
  • Methyl Chloroform
About CFC

CFC is a very stable and volatile organic reagent group. The lifespan of these is hundreds of years. The chlorine and fluorine atoms in Mew do not decompose. The C-Cl bond in CFCs is decomposed by UV rays to form chlorine-free radicals. The faster the ozone breaks, the faster the ozone is produced.
Cl + free radicals act as catalysts for ozone breakdown. At the end of the reaction, the regeneration of Cl free radicals breaks down large amounts of ozone into a very small CFC.
CFC is very harmful gas for Ozone layer. so we should move to another environment friendly gases

When CFC is exposed to high energy ultraviolet light, Cl free radicals are generated.
CF +  UV  >>  Cl  +  CF2Cl
Cl free radicals react with ozone to form ClO free radicals and O2.
Cl  +  O3  >>  ClO  +  O2 
In the ozone layer, there are oxygen atoms that are naturally broken down and broken down. These react with ClO and reproduce Cl free radicals.
Repeating this will cause severe damage to the ozone layer by the CFC.
ClO.  +  O >>  Cl.  +  O2
Other chemicals listed above also affect the ozone layer in various ways.

The ozone hole
Degradation of the ozone layer affects different parts of the earth in different ways. In the low and mid-latitude regions of the equator are thicker.
Earth poles are also very dense. This was discovered in 1982 as an ozone hole. The reason for this is yet to be determined.
However, this may be due to the common use of Cl free radicals in liquids.
The ozone hole is not caused by degradation. It is a natural setting. But the effect of Cl free radicals has increased.

Adverse effects of ozone depletion
Due to the degradation of ozone, UV rays enter the earth easily.
These UV rays can affect the organism's DNA. This causes genetic changes. Because of this

  • Cataracts
  • Skin cancer.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Genetic changes. Is causing
  • This can lead to new diseases that we may not expect.

About minimizing the damage
this image from Wikipedia
-image credit for Wikipedia-

The Montreal Protocol was launched on September 16, 1987. Many countries have agreed to reduce emissions from the ozone layer. Since then, there has been some increase in the ozone layer as a result of controlling emissions. But this must be continued.
CFCs must be removed from the equipment used.
 These are often used in old refrigerators and air conditioners. But now, alternatives have turned to gases. (R600a is currently used).
When removing old refrigerators and air conditioners, they contain CFCs.
Viyenna Protocol also contributes to protecting the ozone layer.

World Ozone Day
September 16th.
The day has been dedicated to protecting the ozone layer. It reminds man of the value of the ozone layer.

more info-https://web.archive.org/web/20130602153542/http://ozone.unep.org/new_site/en/montreal_protocol.php


  1. Ever since I've heard of this, when I was really young, I've always been scared about how fast our world is changing. All the movies done in this light have made various interpretations of what will become of the world.

    Some of its effects are felt now... I wishwe never really suffer from all this, but it feels quite inevitable.

  2. Thank you for informed about Ozone layer and it's effects


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