Introduction about Technology in Education essay

Any Person in the World has Needed and Wants. Man uses Products and services to accomplish them. Products and Services can be defined as precisely the resources available to Man from the Natural Environment. Man faces Challenges and Problems in his life. These challenges and problems are based on human Needs and Want.
Innovations have resulted in the modernization of goods and services and the emergence of new products, as well as Products and Services.
The discovery of Fire by millions of years ago was one of the most significant Turning Points in human history. Their lives began to change from then on. Fire is still indispensable to man today. The invention of the wheel was second to none. If you drive a vehicle once in a lifetime, you know the importance of finding the Wheel.

The Industrial Revolution

By the 18th century, manufacturing in every country was made up of small units, but with the Industrial Revolution,

  • Introducing  Handicrafts to Machines 
  • Utilizing Water and Steam Strengths.
  • The use of Coal as Fuel.
  • Manufacture of steam Ships and Trains
  • Commencement of large scale production and production of machinery.

Industries developed faster because of the use of Water and Steam power than Human labor. Examples include the production of ships and trains using a steam engine. A steam train is shown below.

Since the Steam Engine required a lot of Heat, Coal was used to Fuel it. The production of metallurgy and arms has increased due to the high heat produced in the combustion of coal. In the first decade of the 20th century, Henry Ford built a linear manufacturing plant in Michigan, USA. That was the beginning of the linear industry. If you want to know what line industries are, leave a comment.
This period has led to the rapid development of countries such as England, France, Germany, and the Americas.

World War II.

There is a close relationship between technology and war. Technology has been used to the maximum during the war. The casualties of war are not small. Let's look at some of the innovations that emerged during World War II.

1. The Jerry Can
jerry can is perfect product for world war

The shape of the vessel has been strengthened due to variations in shape. (Ribbing) There are three pallets here and it is easy to carry two. This container, designed to carry more fuel, was used for many wars.
The disadvantages were due to the damage to the vessels when storing the fuel for war vehicles. But using this Jerry can have prevented it a lot.

2.Jet Engine.
old jet engine

Until the Second World War, the aircraft used was a piston engine. This is the most basic method. But with the addition of a more powerful and sophisticated jet engine, aircraft became even more powerful.
The process of a jet engine is different from other engines.

3.Radar Technology.
Radar technology

Radar technology evolved due to the need to identify enemy aircraft and ships during the war. There is a method of detecting objects by transmitting and retrieving electromagnetic waves. Radar technology is still used for defense purposes.

4. Nuclear Power
nuclear power

The concept of nuclear power emerged during World War II when various countries tried different ways to show their power. Later, it was put into practice and the United States bombed Japan with a nuclear disaster. The ruins of both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities are still there. The energy is used to break down radioactive elements such as uranium and plutonium. The genetics of those who were exposed to radiation emitted from them are still reported in Japan due to genetics. But they have gone into rapid growth.
But today, nuclear power is used for the world's electricity generation, though it is not used for destructive purposes.

5.Air Cooling Engines Manufacturing

air cooling is old technology, but we using it for yet

Many vehicles in the past have used water cooling. However, the lack of water in the deserts and the lack of water in the colder countries created the engine for air-conditioning. This type of engine is still used today on motorcycles.

Since there are so many things to talk about in terms of turning points in technology, I hope to publish a separate article to address that issue.
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